Thursday, 29 July 2010

Insightful? Or maybe just a bit of old twaddle.

So, i'm sat here with a bowl of cous-cous and cheese, attempting to make myself slightly less chubby.
Me and Georgie just finished our packing for UBM (As always, pyjamas and toothbrush almost forgotten, grips and hair bobbles packed first, the swapping of each other's packing lists, and the "Have you got ____ so I don't have to take it?"). We blew up the new air beds and covered them in heavy objects (such as our suitcases!) to make sure that they won't deflate when we're slumbering happily on top of them.
Now, I'm planning on enjoying the rest of me "lazy day" before my hectic three weeks of going here and there start. Once I get back from my dad's, I have two weeks to get ready for college. It's all go, and I can't wait.

For UBM, our team leader has suggested we read through Ephesians 5, which is what he'll be covering. I didn't want to feel out of my depth, so I read Ephesians 5, and three different commentaries on it! Maybe a little too much?
It's most definitely an interesting passage, and has a lot of meat to it. Lots of different issues can be delved into:
Imitation - Imitation of Jesus Christ, His life and his example. In which issues such as fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, foolish and coarse language, and idolatry are touched upon. Just the mention of some of these things can make us hot under the collar, but Paul insists on reaching into the deepest parts of people's lives and bringing to light the things that they do.
Illumination - All of the things listed above, are things that we need to reject. They are part of the old life, that dark life that we were once a part of - now, however, we are filled with God's light, and must show the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We should separate ourselves from sin, and have a personal revival.
Intoxication - Have you ever heard the phrase "Drunk On The Holy spirit"? Well, in Ephesians, Paul says instead of being filled with wine, we should be filled with the Spirit ( 18Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.) It is pointed out that we should make good use of our time, "Because the days are evil". Honouring God in all that we do, in our conversation, worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Submission to each other will result from a proper fear of God (A respect, and awe so deep that it is a sort of fear.)
Instruction - The relationship between husband and wife is parallel to that of the Church and Christ. The husband is to take the lead, and the wife is to be subject to his authority. But the love referred to is a sacrificial love, on both parts. A love of respect and understanding, and caring. As Christ loves the church, so a husband should love his wife.
(With thanks to the Bible Panorama for helping me to understand a lot of the issues covered in the passage!)

1 comment:

NM said...

I like Ephesians a lot, especially the first chapter :)

I once heard somebody share a warning when coming to approach Ephesians 5. They said, "Morality, apart from the gospel, is suicide."

I agree. Much like his letter to Rome, Paul starts his letter to the church in Ephesus with the nature of who-He-is, who through the gospel affects who-we are. I reckon the warning stands for those coming straight to chapter 5 without the appreciation of the first chapter, might give the [false] inference that the gospel is merely about being good...